Monday, August 6, 2012

What booze helps you beat the heat?

Wine, beer, and spirits. Duh.

In case you haven't kept up with the social media whining over the past few days, let me break the news to you -- the Western portion of our coverage area is currently experiencing a bit of a "heat wave".

No, it's not the multiple 100+ degree days that I experienced growing up in Eastern Washington, but folks, two words: air conditioning. Richland has it, Seattle doesn't. Nor does Portland, Corvallis, or Salem for the most part.

Today is a day in Seattle that is reminiscent of the sweaty summer of 2008, sitting shirtless on the floor of the Corvallis Chateau, drinking Deschutes Green Lake Organic Ale and eating donuts to stay cool. Don't judge, that beer and donuts spawned the ingenuity behind The Oregon Wine Blog.

So, despite my stubborn protesting to friends and colleagues that it really isn't that hot, I'll begrudgingly admit that it's damn hard to sleep when it is 80 degrees in my bedroom. That's where booze comes in. A refreshing beverage makes everything better, even when it is 90 out and you're struggling to stay cool.

My beer palate leans to the dark and heavy and my wine preferences are firmly in the red category. Neither sound super appetizing in the summer heat. So, that leaves cocktails, and I present to you what I believe to be the perfect summer treat:

Gin and Tonic.

Simple, crisp, and refreshing. What more could you ask for?

I mean really, a trained monkey can make a fantastic gin and tonic, and I give the Josh Gana guarantee that you'll feel at least 5 degrees cooler. At least you will if you pour it all over yourself. Here's the recipe:
  • 2 ounces gin
  • 5 ounces tonic water
  • 1 wedge of lime
Pour the gin and tonic into a highball glass filled with ice, stir, and garnish with the lime.  Enjoy.

See, I told you it was simple!  My go-to gin is Crater Lake Gin from Bendistillery, retailing for around $22 in Washington.  If I'm feeling extra spicy, Ebb+Flow Gin from Sound Spirits here in Seattle is the way to go, retailing in the $35 range.

Now it's your turn; what is your favorite summer beverage?


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